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Migrating to Git and GitHub

Flows and Branching models

Doppler Flow

based on git-flow

In this project we have time boxed sprints and one release for sprint. We have two environments for QA Control, the Integration which is for continuous integration and QA which is for regressions and demo. When a story is developed or a bug is fixed, the changes made by the developer, are merged into one of our main branches, named develop. Our Integration environment is pointing to that branch and it’s deployed (manually through Jenkins) with the last changes of develop as needed. When the sprint finish, we create a branch from develop with a release number (release candidate). This branch will be pointed by QA environment and the QA Team will run the regression over it.

  1. In a sprint, DEV team develop a set of features or stories.
  2. Before integrate each feature, DEV team made a collaborative review using the pull request of github.
  3. During the sprint DEV team deploy regularly to Integration environment to allow QA team to test there in an relatively unstable environment.
  4. At the end of the sprint, DEV team deploy to QA environment where a demo is presented and the client suggest some minor changes or fixes. QA team will work on QA branch testing the sprint output in a stable environment and doing a sanity or regression test.
  5. DEV Team apply client suggestions and fix the bugs detected by QA team in the next sprint, at the same time that they work on next sprint features.
  6. QA environment fixes are deployed regularly. And after some stabilization, it is ready to go to Production.
  7. When the regression is finished the changes are deployed on production.

Central repository (Upstream)

Our “central” repository path is, we will call it upstream (and suggest to call it upstream in your local clones too).

In the upstream repository we maintain: develop branch, releases branches, hotfixes branches, releases tags and optionally features branches.

Personal forks

To work in this project we will have personal forks of upstream repository in order to work freely (we suggest to call it origin in your local clones).

In a personal fork are maintained features branches and whatever the contributor wants.

You can track the changes of other personal forks (see configure remotes), in that case we suggest to call them as the owner’s username.

Note: It is allowed to rewrite the history in personal branches, but try to not do it on branches with pull request associated or shared with other users.

Our git flow

Initial configuration:

upstream repository is created at GitHub (see repo boilerplate), team members have cloned it in their local environments (see clone a remote repo). Also, they have created personal forks (see fork a remote repo) and they have configured their local “remotes” repositories (see configure remotes).

Sprint N starts. In the planning we choose a lot features to implement!


  1. A developer chooses a task or feature to implement from sprint board.

    • He updates his local clone with the latest changes (see fetch remotes).
    • Based on upstream/develop branch, he creates a local branch for the feature (with a representative name) (see create a new branch).
  2. Our developer works in the task

    • He tries to commit atomic and meaning changes (see commit changes).
    • He tries to keep his changes pushed to a remote repository, it could be upstream (our central repository) or origin (his personal fork) (see push to a remote repo).
  3. Task is done

    • Our developer commits and push all his changes to the remote and creates a pull request to upstream/develop (see creating a pull request).
    • Some other developers in the team do a quick code review.
    • After someone else has reviewed and signed off on the feature it could be merged to upstream/develop (see working with pull requests).
    • If something is wrong, discussion can continue in the pull request and fixes can be push to the feature branch . When all issues are fixed it could be merged by the pull request author.
  4. Sprint finishes

    • upstream/develop branch is merged to a new release branch_ in upstream repository (see merge remote branches).
    • Preparation to production is done in the new release branch
  5. QA in release branch branch

    • When QA team detect issues on regression stage in release branch, they are fixed intermediately
    • In order to fix them, our developer creates a new branch, the steps are like in points 1, 2 and 3 but based on release branch branch in place of develop.
    • release branch is fairly often merged to develop.
    • When QA stage finish, release branch is merged to master.
  6. The release!

    • The release date day has arrived, code on master is tagged and deployed to production environment.
  7. Hurry! A critical issue in Production!

    • If something goes wrong in production, the process to fix it is similar to steps 5 but in place of using a release branch, it is done in a new hotfix branch based on upstream/master or in the last release tag.

In this small tutorial you can view a part of this flow applied.